
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Born Friend of Jinnat, Allama Lahuti Pur Asaraari

Ubqari Magazine - October 2019

Allah will make you rich: The person who would lift his hand towards the sky daily after Salah of Chasht and shall recite ‘Al Basito’ and will swipe his hands on his face, Allah SWT will make him rich.                                                                                               

Actually I am a Jin!

Look at the system of nature, once I was going in a Bazar to take some vegetables and some other things for my home, on the way a well dressed person met me and asked me, how are you? Are you alright? He was a stranger, I replied that yes, but I was surprised that who is he? I did not know him, he realized that I am amazed and he said that don’t be upset, actually I am a Jin. For quite some time I was hearing about you from different Jinnat, I had come over here for trade that suddenly saw you, so I asked about your well being. We went a side and sat on the stairs of the Bazar, I enquired that where are you from? He said: I live in China and on that border of China which is close to such a country where there is rule of Devs (huge Jins) and fairies and Jinnat. I come and go to various places regarding trading as the boundaries of the countries are for human beings and not for Jinnat. We can come and go to any place. I asked that what do you trade in?

Career of Good Jinnat and vehicles

He said: I trade in glass utensils, ceramic sets, cloth, fragrance, agar batti (perfumed stick) and silk and at times take dry fruits and spices too. I asked that do you take all these things by air and in the atmosphere, he said: No, we carry all these things the same way as humans do, we have the system for taking the goods by air also and sometimes we carry them by air, but it costs us more and it is beyond the range of our expenditures. We have Jinnat who can carry big goods who have big vehicles and four Jinnat get together and lift these vehicles and fly, we put tons of goods in it, but this way of transportation of goods costs us a lot and is very expensive, I have the experience that the goods which come and go through human beings, not only its cheaper, but is safe as theft amongst the human beings is less and in naughty and evil Jinnat, it is much more.

Interference of Naughty Jinnat in our life

The Jinnat who are nice and pious to not even think of stealing, but there are very few pious Jinnat amongst us and naughty Jinnat are much more and they interfere in our lives a lot and due to them all the society is affected. There are such instances amongst us that people keep their things and Jinnat steal them and take them away and Jinnat continuously take these things far away from us, in the thefts of Jinnat, the goods for ladies, jewelry, money, wealth, gold, silver, household utensils, eatables in households and ration, all these things are included amongst the thefts done by the Jinnat and Jinnat are very satisfied by stealing them and they have such a system that they cannot be seen by anyone, nor are sighted while stealing, so much so that they have such magical tricks that they steal the things before our eyes and we do not even see it whereas the thing is being stolen.

I use to make fun of the word “Barakat” but now…!!!

The Jin further said that the system of Barakat (unseen divine help) which is over there in the Muslims is actually a very powerful lock to stop the thefts by Jinnat and Jinnat always fail due to this system of Barakat. As the Barakat means the protection and safety by angels and this is a special system of Allah SWT which becomes attentive towards Jinnat and stops their thefts. The Jin said: I was not a Muslim before this, I became a Muslim recently few years back and a lot of Jinnat from my family are still non Muslims and I did not had the realization of Barakat before, I use to hear it from Muslims and use to make fun of the word “Barakat”. I did not know that what this Barakat is. When I became Muslim and I obtain Barakat then this realization and feeling kept on increasing that Barakat is a blessing and Barakat is a gift and I always try to find it. All the words and prays and acts and ways to get Barakat have been given by Islam, I have tried all of them and I tell you about a small thing which is really small.

Jin becomes helpless if utensil is covered

It is Sunnah to cover the utensil at night or to keep them upside down and if any eatable is kept in the utensil then it should be covered. The strange thing is that the things which are covered or some prays have been recited on them, these things become beyond the reach of Jinnat and Jinnat can never reach to these things, even if they desire these things, even though nothing happens if the things are covered, but actually by covering a powerful system is there which is activated and due to this powerful system, we Jinnat cannot reach it and this is a fact. 

Saw a pile of meat and started eating

Once a lot of meat was lying in a house, it was of some big animal, it was extreme winters and they had spread the meat in a container and kept on the roof, so as it is not spoiled. I was passing by and I saw the meat and I was very pleased and started eating the meat, don’t know what did they feel or what thought crossed their mind that we have not covered the meat. A person climbed the stairs and came on the roof and with the Niyyat (intension) of covering the meat, he put some wooden logs on it and went away. The Jin said who met me in Bazaar and with who I am doing all this conversation, trust me the logs were to be kept and the Niyyat was to cover it that suddenly I became powerless, I wanted to extend my hands but could not, wanted to move forward but could not, suddenly all my feelings ended within me in a moment and all my state went dead, I was a Jin but was helpless, I was powerful but my powers were snatched away. My hands could not go towards this meat, so much so that a curtain was drawn as there is a curtain between human beings and Jinnat, similarly, a curtain came in front of me. Now, I could not even see the meat, even though before this, I was seeing the meat and was eating it also, where did the meat go. Before me, but due the intension of covering it, I could not see it. 

Jinnat mischief! Our things are poisoning!

He told another dangerous thing about Jinnat and Shayateen eat (Jinnat and Shayateen are the same thing). That thing becomes poisonous regarding which the present science says that now it has virus or bacteria, it becomes poisonous and whichever person eats or drinks it, he gets various types of illnesses, sorrows, pains, 

undue anger, physical feelings, stress all the time, tension and depression and thus stays disturbed and restlessness in his life, peace, harmony and happiness is no more in his life. That food which actually is our left over and there is poison in our left over and that poison is continuously mixed in it and it is this poison which we give to humans and this poison leads to illnesses, sorrows, pains, hopelessness and sadness in human beings. I was amazed that it is a small Sunnah of my Holy Prophet PBUH whereas it is a very big Sunnah, but we do not pay attention towards it and one Jin himself was telling the observations and experiences of his life that who does so, we go far away from his eating and drinking meaning, that we cannot do mischief with his food and drinks.

Carelessness in marital relationship and Jinnat attack

This Jin told another thing and said that similarly when husband and wife get together physically and if they do not pray for protection from Satan, Tauz, اعوذ باللہ من الشیطن الرجیم is not read by them, then we participate and also get a share in this pleasure, then if pregnancy is established and the child which is born, is at times blind, crippled, useless, dumb and if at times not so, then disobedient, has bad mouth, bad character and has bad habits and is discourteous which becomes a mean of continuous worry, pain and difficulties for the parents and parents are disturbed a lot due to it, even though it is a carelessness of a moment, and no Satanic, Jinnati participation should be there in this moment, only Tauz was to be read and just by not reading it, all the systems becomes troublesome and is effected and in the system, the blessing is no more, the blessings of which we accept in our generations and the blessings due to which the generations are brought up and prosper and whom the parents want them to be the companions 

of their old age, just by a small mistake and ignorance, that blessing is separated from us.

Now I cry! Have ruined many families!

He said, now I sit and cry myself and ask for forgiveness from Allah SWT, keep repenting, I participated in many physical marital relationships of husbands and wives. I ruined many families as life span of us Jinnat is long, generations are born before us, grow up and then at the age of 60 or 70 or 80 go away from this world. We know their start and their end too, but as now faith has entered into my heart, so now I feel sorrow, I know each and every person effected by me through the poison of my left over in eatables or participation in the physical relationship of husband and wife and life goes on like this, so much so that generations passed by and Jinnat look at the generations and are pleased that we have ruined their generations and we have destroyed the generations and evil Jinnat are pleased by it.

By adopting small Sunnahs, big worries end

I was listening to the talk of this Jin and was feeling truthful facts in every word of his and one realization was increasing in me, that why do we not take care of small Sunnahs. If you ask me the truth, Jinnat have told me such facts and realities that if I only start to understand or know them or only if I start telling you about them, such sorrow will be felt by you internally and externally and you will be so scared that you even cannot comprehend nor can think that 100% such fact can also be there. Actually, there are such Jinnat who make our food poisonous by using it and cannot be seen by us? Often we hear such historic fact that the food of the kings were poisoned, but why do we not realize that our food upon which the name of Allah SWT is not taken or is not covered by taking the name of Allah SWT is poisonous, left over and effected and then why do we become careless in the physical marital relationship of husband and wife? 

All of this, is our fault

Why is ignorance increasing within us and in our temperament? All of this, is our fault. By increasing lack of attention we have become so ignorant that the circumstances within us continuously went on increasing and decreasing and we went on getting involved in problems and worries whereas if we give attention to these small things, then peace will come in our lives. I was asking a lot of things from this Jin, but I have only stated two and this Jin gave me whatever things, it will be my attempt to deliver them to you by considering it your belonging. We have to think from today to onwards that what power each and every Sunnah contains (continued)

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